
Usage: md filenaeme xmin0 xmax0 xstep0 xmin1 xmax1 xstep1

md makes a trial data set. It's primary use is in testing new fitting functions. At this time, it is only implemented for functions of one or two independent variables. The trial data set is created using the current parameter values and the current fitting function.


 fit2> fn gauss        /* defines fitting function as gauss */
 fit2> ip 5 1 1        /* initialized parameters */
 fit2> md test 0 10 1  /* makes data for 0 <= x0 <= 10*/
 fit2> gd test         /* reads in data */
 fit2> ip 5.1 2 1      /* changes parameters */
 fit2> fi              /* test to see if fit finds real parameters */
 fit2> fn xyquad       /* defines fitting function as xyquad */
 fit2> ip 5 5 5 5 5 5  /* initialized parameters */
 fit2> md test 0 10 1 0 10 1
                       /* makes data for 0 <= x0 <=10 and 0 <= x1 <= 10*/
 fit2> gd test         /* reads in data */
 fit2> ip 1 1 1 1 1 1  /* changes parameters */
 fit2> fi              /* test to see if fit finds real parameters */